We have been preparing for the lockdown world since 2010!
Thriving in the Lock down World
Dare to prepare!
When the Panel beaters Directory was conceived in March 2013 to assist motorist in finding reputable panelbeaters nationwide, little did we know how vital our online expertise would become in the on line market of 2021. Unlocking business opportunities and cost effective repairs for all.
The Connected Car is here!
The Covid19 Lockdown rapidly hastened the "move to mobility" assisted by Smartphone technology that can find our information, anywhere on the planet in reaI ti me! 39 million page views later, this Industry Specific and proudly South African initiative, promotes the professional image of +1987 Modern Repair Specialists aka Panelbeaters across Southern Africa.
Workshops and staff are in crises , lockdowns & infections force temporary or permanently closure. Jobseekers upload their information that becomes available to business owners in the Owners Portal - confidentially and at no cost to anyone.
R2R - Right to Repair
From 01July 2021, South African motorists, are rightfully empowered to have their vehicles Serviced, Maintained, and Repaired at a workshop of their choice! Business must ensure that accurate and reliable information a re available ON-LINE if they are to survive and thrive!
Update online information instantly 24/7
Our Members have access through a world-class owners portal to communicate all relevant information & navigation detail as it changes.
Membership* in the Panel Beaters Directory is the most cost-effective and immediate action Management can take to align their business goals with our online capabilities. The Sign-up Process is online with immediate access once processed. (*From only R86.00/m ex vat)
Posted on Aug 02, 2023 by Panel Beater Directory
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